Somebody Likes It

spacehog - resident alien

Episode Summary

In 1995, Spacehog released a great song called In The Meantime. Let's not forget that, shall we?

Episode Notes

I don't really know how to explain this other than the way that I'm about to, but the first time I heard In The Meantime, I had a pretty good idea that this track was pretty much the best that Spacehog had to offer.

And I don't mean that it's because the song is a transcendent masterpiece, a triumph to eclipse all of their others.

It sounded, for lack of a better term, like a band poured everything into making one radio ready song, and then realized that they needed to cut nine more before the record came out.

There is a lot (I mean a LOT) of teeth gnashing in this episode - we worry about Liv Tyler (who up and married one of these guys), and we somehow find time to mention that there were other albums, which is frankly somewhat astonishing. But they had their fifteen minutes. Which is about a quarter of the time they get here.

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A Few Minutes With

[The Kingsmen - *Louie, Louie*](

A Current Affair

[Charly Bliss - *Chatroom*](