Somebody Likes It

Pandemic MixTape

Episode Summary

The one where we finally come out of lockdown and talk about some of our favorites from 2020 and 2021.

Episode Notes

It's pretty common in our collective rear view to gaze upon the halcyon days of early March 2020 and chuckle about our earnest belief that this COVID thing? We'll be past it in a couple of weeks.

Of course now, in a story that's been beaten into a fine mist, we know the pandemic had other plans.

It is with tongue planted firmly in cheek that I suggest that this development did manage to affect the pursuit of podcasting.  At least it did ours.

We really like to sit down in person as we can—it just makes for a livelier show—and talk music. So we waited. In the time since, Shane's gone back into the studio, so when we did decide to reconvene, Kevin, Ryan & Mark connect for this episode.

We offer you the SLI pandemic recap mixtape, where we consider the tracks we've met since we've not been meeting. From the forlorn to the fanciful, it's a grab bag of what's kept us company throughout as the months piled up.

Like the needle dropped in the groove, you've got to start somewhere -


Recorded in October of 2021. To listen to the songs featured in this episode, checkout our Pandemic MixTape Spotify Playlist.