Somebody Likes It

Oso Oso - Basking In The Glow

Episode Summary

You may understand the difference between the 'emo' and 'scene' scenes, and you may churn out catchy harmonies like they're growing on trees, but beneath the surface of incandescent melodies lurks melancholy. That's where we find Jade Lilitri and his erstwhile ensemble, Oso Oso.

Episode Notes

Let's say you have a band. It's mostly you, though you bring in a rotating cast of characters to help you fill it out. You don't love touring, but do love snapping together pop punk ditties with a surgical top-down-in-the-summertime sonic aesthetic. You tend to pair these with dada-esque videos, and somehow it makes sense.

Though it's your act, your last name is a nom de plume.

You may understand the difference between the 'emo' and 'scene' scenes, and you may churn out catchy harmonies like they're growing on trees, but beneath the surface of incandescent melodies lurks melancholy.

That's where we find Jade Lilitri and his erstwhile ensemble, Oso Oso. Let's put the needle in the groove, together, and unpack what it means when an optimist drinks 'half empty cups.'
(Recorded February 14, 2020)

Listen to the album on Spotify

A Few Minutes With

Matthew Sweet - Thought I Knew You

A Current Affair

Dermot Kennedy - Outnumbered