Somebody Likes It

Fontaines D.C. - Dogrel

Episode Summary

Let's just get something incredibly obvious out of the way up top about this episode - there was a hiatus in between the time Ryan selected this LP and the time we were actually able to convene and record it.

Episode Notes

Let's just get something incredibly obvious out of the way up top about this episode - there was a hiatus in between the time Ryan selected this LP and the time we were actually able to convene and record it, and by contrast, Fontaines DC are actually hyper prolific, meaning, by the time we laid this bad boy down, they had turned out an additional avalanche of tracks.

Nevertheless, there is something refreshing yet acerbic about this band's point of view, and it's not terribly surprising that they've been so beloved by their homeland (and those who appreciate an Irish perspective, perhaps).

They are as Irish as a somewhat damp, extremely heavy cable knit sweater and believe me when I tell you that I did not know the origin point for those sweaters was Irish, but I looked it up and turns out it is. Sometimes the world just lines up right.

And there are so many stories lurking here, from the neighbor kid who stomps through the streets of a 'pregnant city with a catholic mind' to the open question of why punk needs saving, exactly. Conundrums, half-truths, attitudes that pull on longer yarns to come.

Listen to the album on Spotify

A Few Minutes With

Glen Hansard - Lowly Deserter

A Current Affair

Sir Chloe - Know Better