Somebody Likes It

Snail Mail - Lush

Episode Summary

Oh Matador Records, you of your indie darlings and slack ingenues and legends scrawled upon the walls of rancid LA apartments...Matador, you're at it again. Welcome to the Hype Machine.

Episode Notes

Oh Matador Records, you of your indie darlings and slack ingenues and legends scrawled upon the walls of rancid LA apartments...Matador, you're at it again. Welcome to the Hype Machine.

With the release of Snail Mail's Lush, we teeter headfirst into the prodigious mind of Lindsay Jordan, who writes dually about love as social triviality and distant curiosity. Jordan, who cut her musical teeth in part under the ambitious watch of Mary Timony (Ex Hex/Wild Flag), may seem like she recalls a thing or two from the nineties. But let's be honest, that's not entirely true either.

Raw honesty in part helped hatch the fervor to follow, but honesty will only get you so far. If it feels "like the same party every weekend," do you really want to go anymore?

Let's Explore

Snail Mail - Lush

A Few Minutes With

[**Clap Your Hands Say Yeah** - The Skin Of My Yellow Country Teeth][2]

A Current Affair

[**Alex Lahey** - Love You Like A Brother][3]