Somebody Likes It

Willis Alan Ramsey

Episode Summary

It's been noted that perhaps Willis Alan Ramsey was Lyle Lovett...before Lyle Lovett was Lyle Lovett, mostly, come to think of it, by Lyle Lovett.

Episode Notes

It's been noted that perhaps Willis Alan Ramsey was Lyle Lovett...before Lyle Lovett was Lyle Lovett, mostly, come to think of it, by Lyle Lovett. That's what happens when your debut album mines the intricate details of the emotional barriers we often erect to stave off matters of the heart, and when you do so from stages where a young future troubadour might connect with your style to the point of honoring it.

Ramsey weaves and stitches timeless, folksy yarns that sound, in retrospect, a bit like an antecedent to the tumult of the time they were hatched.

And then he did something no one saw coming. He never made another album (well, not one that's been released since, anyway). And the one he did make influenced a varied tapestry of performers who've become household names in their own right. Lend an ear and hear where it all began.

Read Joe Nick Patoski's article on Willis Alan Ramsey

Willis Alan Ramsey on Amazon

A Few Minutes With

[**Lyle Lovett** - That's Right You're Not From Texas][3]

A Current Affair

[**Courtney Barnett** - Nameless, Faceless][4]