Somebody Likes It

Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath

Episode Summary

Before Ozzy Osbourne was a stammering reality show punchline, he really underwhelmed Lester Bangs, and there's something to be said for that, historically speaking.

Episode Notes

Before Ozzy Osbourne was a stammering reality show punchline, he really underwhelmed Lester Bangs, and there's something to be said for that, historically speaking.

Black Sabbath's eponymous initial record was recorded almost in one sitting on its way to defining a new genre, one minted, in part, by the fact that one of the members' metal shop accidents necessitated a wholesale change in his play, that ended up informing the overall "heaviness" of the metal. Heavy metal was, in fact, created to some degree by actual heavy metal.

What the album lacks in track numbers it may make up for in personality, and even old Lester came around eventually. He may have called Black Sabbath "like Cream, but worse," but there was no denying how this record spoke to certain dark corners of the metal community, both then and now. Tune in and find the flashpoint.

Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath featuring the song "Black Sabbath" is for sale

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