Somebody Likes It

Uncle Tupelo - No Depression

Episode Summary

Few bands can claim to have at least in some part founded a genre (in this case, alt-country, a.k.a. "y'all-ternative"), but in this instance it's apt. I've heard so many bands with lineage from this it's hard to quantify.

Episode Notes

Somehow I've managed to find myself concurrently watching the second installment of The Decline of Western Civilization (The Metal Years) whilst writing this up, which is pretty much apropos of nothing, other than if you haven't seen this brilliant documentary, you definitely should.

Another work worth investigating is Uncle Tupelo's debut record, No Depression. Few bands can claim to have at least in some part founded a genre (in this case, alt-country, a.k.a. "y'all-ternative"), but in this instance it's apt. I've heard so many bands with lineage from this it's hard to quantify.

These guys are now better known for the bands they directly spawned, namely Son Volt and Wilco. Jay Farrar and Jeff Tweedy co-quarterbacked a fantastic band that burned brightly and, ultimately, wasn't big enough for the two of them.

So strap in, grab a load o' chaw (and maybe listen to a little Minutemen interspersed with Hank Williams if you need to warm up),and join us.

You can pick up Uncle Tupelo's debut No Depression over yonder.

Somebody Likes It

**Jayhawks** - [Save It For A Rainy Day][8]

A Few Minutes With

**Kendrik Lamar** - [ELEMENT.][9]